Heller’s Test- Definition, Principle, Procedure, Result, Uses


Heller`s test is a biochemical test that detects the presence of proteins in a sample by using concentrated nitric acid to denature them. The test is based on the principle that proteins precipitate when they are exposed to acidic conditions that disrupt their structure and charge. The test is simple, quick and requires a small amount of sample and reagent.

Heller`s test is mainly used to detect proteins in biological fluids, such as urine and blood. The test can identify abnormal proteins that may indicate certain diseases or disorders. For example, Heller`s test can detect albumin and globulin in urine, which are normally not present in healthy individuals. Albuminuria and globulinuria may be signs of kidney damage, inflammation, infection or other conditions.

Heller`s test was named after Johann Florian Heller, an Austrian chemist who discovered the test while studying the composition of urine. Heller`s test is one of the oldest methods for protein detection and is still widely used in clinical laboratories and medical settings.