Brightfield Microscope (Compound Light Microscope)- Definition, Principle, Parts


A microscope is an instrument that magnifies small objects that are invisible to the naked eye, such as cells, bacteria, and viruses. There are different types of microscopes based on the source and nature of illumination, the magnification power, and the resolution of the image. One of the most common and simple types of microscopes is the brightfield microscope, also known as the compound light microscope.

A brightfield microscope is an optical microscope that uses light rays to produce a dark image against a bright background. It is the standard microscope that is used in biology, cellular biology, and microbiological laboratory studies. This microscope is used to view fixed and live specimens, that have been stained with basic stains which gives a contrast between the image and the image background. It is specially designed with magnifying glasses known as lenses that modify the specimen to produce an image seen through the eyepiece.