Ascaris lumbricoides- Life cycle, Pathogenicity, Clinical Manifestation


Ascaris lumbricoides is a parasitic roundworm that infects humans and causes ascariasis, a disease that affects the intestines and lungs. It is one of the most common helminthic infections in the world, affecting more than one billion people, especially in tropical and subtropical regions where sanitation and hygiene are poor. Ascaris lumbricoides can grow up to 40 cm in length and live for up to two years in the human host.

The life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides is simple and direct, involving only one host (human) and no intermediate hosts or vectors. The life cycle consists of four stages: egg, larva, adult, and egg. The eggs are passed in the feces of infected humans and contaminate the soil, water, or food. The eggs develop into infective larvae in the soil under favorable conditions of temperature, moisture, and oxygen. The larvae can survive for months or years in the environment. Humans become infected by ingesting the infective eggs with contaminated food or water, or by touching their mouth with contaminated hands. The larvae hatch in the small intestine and penetrate the intestinal wall, entering the bloodstream. They migrate to the liver and then to the lungs, where they molt twice and grow in size. They break out of the lung capillaries and enter the airways, where they are coughed up and swallowed back into the intestine. In the intestine, they molt again and mature into adult worms, which mate and produce eggs. The adult worms can live for up to two years in the intestine, producing up to 200,000 eggs per day.

###The life cycle of Ascaris

The life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides is important to understand because it determines the transmission, pathogenicity, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ascariasis. The life cycle also reveals the potential sources of infection and the environmental factors that influence the survival and development of the parasite. In addition, the life cycle provides clues for identifying the stages of infection and the clinical manifestations of ascariasis.

In this article, we will discuss the life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides in detail, focusing on its egg stage, larval stage, adult stage, and clinical manifestation. We will also explore the pathogenicity of Ascaris lumbricoides, which refers to its ability to cause disease and damage in the human host. We will examine how Ascaris lumbricoides affects different organs and tissues during its migration and maturation, as well as how it interacts with the immune system and other factors that influence its virulence. Finally, we will review some of the methods for diagnosing, treating, and preventing ascariasis.

By learning more about the life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides, we hope to raise awareness about this neglected tropical disease that affects millions of people worldwide. We also hope to provide useful information for health professionals, researchers, educators, policy makers, and anyone interested in parasitology and global health.

Egg in feces

The life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides begins when a female worm lays up to 200,000 eggs per day in the intestine of an infected human host. The eggs are passed out with the feces and are non-infective at this stage. They have a thick shell that protects them from harsh environmental conditions and allows them to survive for months or even years in the soil. The eggs need a warm (20-25°C), moist and oxygen-rich environment to develop into infective larvae inside the shell. This process takes about 3-6 weeks depending on the temperature and humidity. The infective eggs contain second-stage larvae that are ready to infect a new host when ingested. The eggs are usually transmitted by fecal-oral route, either by direct contact with contaminated soil or by ingestion of food or water contaminated with fecal matter. Children are especially vulnerable to infection as they may play in soil or eat unwashed fruits or vegetables. Poor sanitation and hygiene practices also increase the risk of infection.

##. Infection to host

The infection occurs when a person ingests the infective eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides with contaminated food or water. The eggs are resistant to harsh environmental conditions and can survive for months or years in the soil. The eggs need to undergo embryonation in the soil for at least three weeks before they become infective. The embryonated eggs contain a second-stage larva that is ready to hatch once it reaches the small intestine of the host.

The second-stage larva breaks out of the eggshell and penetrates the intestinal wall, entering the bloodstream. It then travels to the liver and then to the right side of the heart. From there, it is carried by the pulmonary artery to the lungs, where it stays for about 10 days. During this time, it grows and molts twice, becoming a fourth-stage larva.

The fourth-stage larva migrates from the lungs to the pharynx, where it is coughed up and swallowed again. It then returns to the small intestine, where it matures into an adult worm after another molt. The adult worms can live for up to two years in the intestine, feeding on the host`s food and producing eggs that are passed out with the feces. The cycle is completed when the eggs contaminate the soil and are ingested by another person.

The infection can be asymptomatic or cause mild to severe symptoms depending on the number and location of the worms. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, malnutrition, and growth retardation in children. The migrating larvae can also cause damage to various organs such as the liver, lungs, heart, and brain, leading to complications such as pneumonia, asthma, allergic reactions, anemia, and neurological disorders. The adult worms can also cause intestinal obstruction or perforation, appendicitis, biliary colic, or pancreatitis if they migrate to other parts of the digestive system.

The diagnosis of ascariasis is usually based on the detection of eggs or worms in the stool samples of the infected person. However, stool examination may not be reliable in cases of low worm burden or early infection when eggs are not yet produced. Other methods of diagnosis include blood tests for eosinophilia and antibodies, chest X-rays for pulmonary lesions, ultrasound for liver or biliary involvement, and endoscopy for intestinal obstruction or perforation.

The treatment of ascariasis involves the use of anthelmintic drugs that kill or expel the worms from the body. The most commonly used drugs are albendazole, mebendazole, ivermectin, and pyrantel pamoate. These drugs are usually given as a single dose or repeated after two weeks. They are generally safe and effective, but may cause side effects such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, or allergic reactions. Some drugs may also interact with other medications or have contraindications for pregnant or lactating women.

The prevention of ascariasis requires proper sanitation and hygiene measures to avoid contact with contaminated soil or fecal matter. These include:

  • Washing hands with soap and water before eating or preparing food
  • Washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption
  • Boiling or filtering water before drinking
  • Disposing of human and animal feces safely and hygienically
  • Using latrines or toilets instead of open defecation
  • Educating people about the transmission and prevention of ascariasis
  • Implementing mass deworming programs for high-risk populations such as children and pregnant women

Ascaris lumbricoides is a common and widespread parasite that can cause significant morbidity and mortality in humans. By understanding its life cycle, pathogenicity, and clinical manifestation, we can better diagnose and treat this infection and prevent its transmission in our communities.